2018년 4월 12일 목요일

[Origins][생물학]Six Eukaryotic Super Kingdoms

Six Eukaryotic Super Kingdoms

Phylogeny(계통 발생론) - Grouping of organisms that are more closely related to each other.
           We do not know how the six eukaryotic super kingdoms are interrelated or which lineage branched off at the first. But if we have to pick one, Archaeplastida is a good choice.

           우리는 6개의 진핵계(Eukaryotic kingdom)가 어떻게 연관되어 있는지 모릅니다. 또 어떤 혈통이 먼저 시작되었는지 또한 모릅니다. 시초를 굳이 말하고자 한다면, 원시색소체생물이 가장 좋은 선택일 것입니다.

1.     The Archaeplastida(원시색소체생물)
Archae = original or beginning
Archaeplastida = original plastids or original chloroplasts(염록체)
1)     Groups: green plants, green algae(조류), red algae, single celled groups
2)     From the Endosymbiont Theory(공생이론), cyanobaterium incorporated into a prokaryotic(원핵생물) cell and evolved in to chloroplast. This is called primary endosymbiosis. Since all chloroplasts among the archaeplastid organisms seem to originate from the primary endosymbiosis, scientists think it is perhaps the earliest eukaryotic lineage(혈통).

2.     Excavata(엑스카바타)
1)     Single celled organisms
2)     The group is only supported by molecular data, not by their morphology. 모양은 다르지만, DNA가 비슷함.

3.     Rhizaria(리자리아)
1)     Single celled organisms
2)     Group that is supported by molecular DNA sequence data only

4.     Chromalveolata(크로말베올라타)
1)     Group of many single celled organisms and multicellular ones: Yellow algae, Golden algae
2)     The taxa(taxon; 분류군) in the group have no general morphological traits in common.
3)     Those that are able to make photosynthesis all developed their plastids through secondary endosymbiosis.
4)     * Conflicting data suggests that some chromalveolatates are more closely related with Rhizaria. We operate with and alternative group named the SAR group
(1)   Stramenopilis (kelp and diatoms)
(2)   Alveolates (ciliates and dinoflagellates)
(3)   Rhizaria ( radiolarians and forams)

5.     Amoebozoa(아메바류)
1)     Consists of amoeba

6.     Opisthokonta
1)     Group: Metazoans(animals; 후생동물), Fungi(균류), choanoflagellates.

Plastid(색소체) = 식물세포에 고유한 엽록체와 그와 유연의 세포소기관의 총칭

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