
Citations + Comment

SungNam Park

[MPIK EBIT Papers]

[A] Buchauer, L. (2012). Konstruktion einer kompakten Elektronenstrahl-Ionenfalle mit Permanentmagneten für Fluoreszenzmessungen. Bachelor Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg.
  • - p53 ~ p55 EBIT axial and radial Magnetic Field Table simulated by COMSOL
  • The geometry of the drift tubes and magnet assembly was designed and assembled (Bachelor Thesis)[B]
[B] Bücking, T. M. (2013). An Off-Axis Electron Gun for a Compact Electron Beam Ion Trap. Master Thesis, Imperial College, Blackett Laboratory, London, UK.
  • - Electron gun, the electron collector and other important element of the mini-EBIT[B]
  • - MPIK Measured Magnetic Field of EBIT
[C] Cieluch, A. R. (2016). Aufbau und Charakterisierung der permanenten Magnetsysteme zweier kompakter Elektronenstrahl-Ionenfallen. Bachelor Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg.
  • - Build Off Axis Red EBIT, Measure Magnetic field
[D] P. Micke et al. “The Heidelberg compact electron beam ion traps”. In: Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 063109 (2018).

[History (H_#)]

[H_0]Ibacache, Rodrigo. “EBIT History.” NIST, 25 Aug. 2016,
  • EBIT History – Historically the design of the first EBIT prototype is connected to the name of Morton Levine and Ross Marrs.
  • EBIT History – In contrast to the case for EBIS, X-ray spectroscopy was to be the primary method of studying ions produced by EBIT.

[H-1]E. D. Donets and V. P. Ovsyannikov, “Investigation of ionization of positive ions by electron impact,” Sov. Phys. JETP, vol. 53, pp. 466–466, 1981.
  • First EBIS Paper (with significant development)

[H-2]E. D. Donets, V. I. Ilushenko, and V. A. Alpert, “Ultrahigh vacuum electron beam ion source of highly stripped ions,” in Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Ion Sources, Saclay, France, 1969, pp. 635–635.
  • EBIS Related Developmental work
[H-3] R. W. Schmieder, C. L. Bisson, S. Haney, N. Toly, A. R. Van Hook, and J.Weeks, “Sandia super-EBIS,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. , vol. 61, pp. 259–259,1990.
First EBIT

[H-4] M. A. Levine, R. E. Marrs, J. R. Henderson, D. A. Knapp, and M. B. Schneider, “The electron beam ion trap: A new instrument for atomic physics measurements,” Phys. Scr., vol. T22, pp. 157–157, 1988.
  • super-EBIT

[H-5] D. A. Knapp, R. E. Marrs, S. R. Elliot, E.W. Magee, and R. Zasadinski, “A high-energy electron beam ion trap for production of high-charge high-Z-ions,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, vol. 334, pp. 305–305, 1993.
  • Creation of bare Uranium

[H-6]R. E. Marrs, S. R. Elliot, and D. A. Knapp, “Production and trapping of hydrogen-like and bare uranium ions in an electron beam ion trap,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 72, pp. 4082–4082, 1994.

[EBIT_Physics (EBIT_P#)]

[1] Currell, F., and G. Fussmann. “Physics of Electron Beam Ion Traps and Sources.” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 33, no. 6, 2005, pp. 1763–1777., doi:10.1109/tps.2005.860072.
  • P1763 EBIT Benefit – In contrast to other types of ion sources (e.g., electron cyclotron resonance ion source, ECRIS) which also use of electron impact ionization, the quasi-monoenergetic nature of the electron beam used in EBIS/T has the particular benefit that the trapped ions are not exposed to low energy electrons.
  • P1763 Electron-ion recombination cross section - The electron-ion recombination cross section scales approximately as 1/Ee where Ee is the interaction energy. Hence, low energy electrons give rise to a large recombination rate, tending to drive the charge balance in other ionization sources toward lower charge state.
  • P1763 First EBIS – The electron beam ion source(EBIS) was first developed by Donets et al. Previous to the development of this device, the concept had been used, although not with nearly the same degree of success. Furthermore, previous devices lacked many of the refinements introduced by Donet’s group
  • P1763 First design of EBIT – Following related developmental work by Schmieder et al.[7], the first electron beam ion trap(EBIT) was developed by Levine et al. [8].
  • P1763 Important milestone(중요한 단계) of EBIT – The original EBIT was upgraded for higher energy operation, being dubbed(별명을 붙이다) super-EBIT [11]. Among the range of notable achievements made with the upgraded device was the creation of bare uranium [12]. With this important milestone, EBIT technology came of age, demonstrating that any ion of any stable element can in principle be created and studied with these machines or delivered to other apparatus. (Super-EBIT으로 bare uranium을 만듦으로써 EBIT으로 모든 원소의 HCI 실험이 가능하다는 가능성을 보여줌.)
  • P1764 Electron Beam (왜 높은 electron beam이 필요한가?에 대한 답) – Since EBIS/Ts achieve ion creation through electron impact ionization, and since the ionization potential grows rapidly with increasing nuclear charge (becoming as high as 137keV for the final electron orbiting hydrogen-like uranium), a high energy electron beam is required.
  • P1764 – All of these “charge changing” and escape processes typically occur on time scales of the order of 10ms.

[2] Bücking, T. M. (2013). An Off-Axis Electron Gun for a Compact Electron Beam Ion Trap. Master Thesis, Imperial College, Blackett Laboratory, London, UK.
  • Principle: Elements do not emit only at specific wavelengths, but they can also only absorb light of exactly the same wavelengths as well [T-1]

[Electron Gun(EG_#) 관련; J: journal; B:Book]

[EG_1J]Pierce, J. R. “Rectilinear Electron Flow in Beams.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 11, no. 8, 1940, pp. 548–554., doi:10.1063/1.1712815.

[Electron Beam Trajectory(EBT_#) 관련; J: journal; B:Book]

[EBT_1J]Herrmann, Gabriel. “Optical Theory of Thermal Velocity Effects in Cylindrical Electron Beams.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 29, no. 2, 1958, pp. 127–136., doi:10.1063/1.1723053.

[EBT_2B]Gilmour, A. S. Klystrons, Traveling Wave Tubes, Magnetrons, Crossed-Field Amplifiers, and Gyrotrons. Artech House, 2011.

  • [P153]
    • Gilmour et al & Brewer showed that beams focused for near Brillouin flow conditions do behave very nearly as predicted by laminar flow theory.
    • However, Ashkin and Harker reported that electron flow in beams, which had been thought to be laminar, was actually very nonlaminar.
  • [P155] Herrmann이외의 접근법

    •  Other studies of nonlaminar beams include those of Kirstein[EBT_3J][EBT_4J] and Hechtel[EBT_5J]. Kirstein used essentially the same approach as Herrmann. Axially symmetric and two-dimensional strip beams were treated. Hechtel treated beams having a Gaussian current distribution in the radial direction at the exit from the gun. The reason for considering this type of beam is that, at millimeter-wave frequencies where beams are very small, thermal velocity effects in the gun result in a beam having a cuurrent distribution that is nearly Gaussian.

[EBT_3J]Kirstein, P. T. “Thermal Velocity Effects in Axially Symmetric Solid Beams.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 34, no. 12, 1963, pp. 3479–3490., doi:10.1063/1.1729243.

[EBT_4J]Kirstein, P.t. “On the Effects of Thermal Velocities in Two-Dimensional and Axially Symmetric Beams.” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 10, no. 2, 1963, pp. 69–80., doi:10.1109/t-ed.1963.15084.

[EBT_5J]Gilmour, A. S. Klystrons, Traveling Wave Tubes, Magnetrons, Crossed-Field Amplifiers, and Gyrotrons. Artech House, 2011.

[EBT_6J]Pierce, J. R., and L. R. Walker. “``Brillouin Flow with Thermal Velocities.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 24, no. 10, 1953, pp. 1328–1330., doi:10.1063/1.1721158.

  • [EBT_2B][P153]: Several theories exist for special cases of nonlaminar flow. One of the first was that by Pierce and Walker for the effects of thermal velocities on Brillouin flow[EBT_6J]. This theory was based on the assumption of a Maxwellian distribution of charge density within the beam. The beam was assumed to be in thermal equilibrium with a temperature that was suggested to be the cathode temperature multiplied by the area compression ratio of the gun. Pierce and Walker computed the percentage of the beam current to be found outside the nominal Brillouin radius.

[Cathode (Component_Cathode_#)]

[C_C_1]Handling and Care of Cathodes - Spectra-Mat. Spectra-Mat, Inc, Technical Bulletin

[C_C_2]Guidelines for Processing of Dispenser Cathodes - Spectra-Mat. Technical Bulletin

[Vacuum Related Topics (Vacuum_#)]

[V-1] P. A. Redhead, “Extreme high vacuum, CERN Accelerator School on Vacuum Technology,” CERN Rep. 99-05, 1999, p. 213.


[XFEL-1]PAL-XFEL Technical Design Report
  • P254 - The flatness of the floor is controlled to within ±10 mm. The floor surface is coated with an epoxy resin paint to suppress dust from the floor concrete. The height of the XFEL beam from the floor level is always set to be 1430 mm over the 2-20 keV X-ray energy range.

[Astro Physics (Astro_#)] 

[Astro_1] T. Fang & C. R. Canizares. Probing cosmology with the x-ray forest. The Astrophysical Journal 539(2), 532 (2000).

[Mooc Courses (Company_#)]

[Coursera-1] Coursera – Analyzing the Universe, Prof. Terry Matilsky, Rutgers University, Department of physics and astronomy.

[Edx-1] Edx - Plasma Physics: Introduction, EPFL-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, PlasmaIntroductionX 1T_2018/course/.
  • Teaser: We are surrounded by plasmas starting from the ionosphere a hundred kilometers above us, which is connected to the sun via the plasma of the solar wind.
  • Teaser: The very tenuous interstellar space is a plasma and so are the largest objects that emit x-rays in the universe.

[Ion Trap QC]
QC — How to build a Quantum Computer with Trapped Ions?

[양자컴퓨터 관련 Youtube 강의]
IBM 강의: Information is Quantum
Christopher Monroe: "Modular Ion Trap Quantum Networks: Going Big"

Ion trap mass spectrometry - 연관성은 없지만 해당 분야 역사 정리가 잘되있다.

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